Deep water soloing equipment



So the kit for deep water soloing tends to be a lot less  for obvious reasons, it changes on venue and if I know I may be out climbing at my limit on a particular route then I may take more kit, the following list is for DWS abroad in a warm country as you can get your kit dryed pretty fast and reuse chalkbag & boots etc.

In my kit is included;

Chalk –

I take chalk in abundence, think everytime you fall off your bag needs refilling, I tend to take at least 2 large bags of chalk, this is also directly related to talent levels, the higher you level of talent, the less you get wet!

Boots –

How many pairs do you have?

I usually take 3 pairs, you can go over the top but I find 3 works well, its actually pretty easy to climb in wet boots and doesn’t effect your overall performance. If I’m close to my project I may want dry boots each attempts.

Chalkbags –

Again I take 3, depending on country by the time I’ve managed to fall off three times my first chalkbag is dry, if I’m in the UK then I’ll probably take 5.

Towel –

No matter how warm its always worth having a little towel to dry yourself off, especially in the UK. I may also have a down jacket and umbrella

Drybag –

Ath the end of the day for the walk out its a good idea to keep everything thats wet away from everything else.

Gourdon waterproof rucksack –

A waterproof rucksack, this is not full proof but I use it as all the climbs are not easily accesible, it may be a swim or climb to the start, I can take my towel, spare chalk, boots and chalkbags to a ledge at the foot of the route. Fall off and then change/dry and have another go.

Board shorts –

I’ve never tried climbing in speedo’s.

Balls –

Make sure its a big pair, the hardest thing is getting your head around the thought of falling off, often its best to take a couple of falls then it gets your head into a slightly better place……


Check out the little video below to see how its not done, one of the true reasons you go deep water soloing is purely to see your friends take good falls. However it was my turn on this day.


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